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outdoor security camera
March 21, 2023

Essential Neighborhood Safety Tips For Asheville

It’s hard to underestimate the value of your neighborhood, as it’s where your little ones grow up and the backdrop for a good portion of your life. It is reasonable that you would like to help keep it secure. Thankfully, you can do just that by adhering to some straightforward neighborhood safety tips for Asheville. Merely doing things like connecting with your community members and setting up a home security system will make a difference in improving the safety of all.

1. Install A Versatile Asheville Home Security System

When you safeguard your property, you're also defending your local area. By implementing a home security system, you're preventing theft and helping keep prowlers out of your local area. Current systems that let you remotely turn on lights or check your surveillance camera's live feed are powerful tools. When you include 24/7 monitoring, you'll have a comprehensive line of defense prepared to act whether you're home or not.

2. Get Acquainted With Your Neighbors

Making an introduction when new residents move in is a positive neighborhood safety tip, but it’s smart to do a little extra and familiarize yourself with them. Will their kids go to the same school as yours? Do both parents work? Chances are you will find ways to assist one another, even if it's merely calling them if you see something out of the ordinary. Many communities will organize social gatherings or have smaller group activities like card or book clubs. Join in when you’re able, and if your local area has a social media presence, make sure you can access it. This is a fantastic way to get instant information on what's going on.

3. Maintain Your Asheville Property And Neighborhood

If a prospective thief observes a poorly maintained residence or community, it’s safe to assume they may doubt the level of security and consider it a possible target. Don't make your exterior and surrounding area appealing to intruders. Keep it tidy, and make sure plants and trees near access points are well-groomed, so you don't accidentally create hiding spots. Exterior surveillance systems and motion-sensing lights are also fantastic tools to use. If there's a vacant property in the community, assemble a volunteer group to keep it weed-free and well-maintained.

4. Make Plans If You’re Going On Vacation

A vacant house is always a preferred target. If mail is falling out of your mailbox or snow is piled up on your driveway, it's fairly plain to see you're not there. Asking a neighbor to grab your mail or hiring someone to keep your driveway and sidewalks clear is a smart choice. Home automation is also tremendously beneficial as you may program lights to turn on at predetermined times to make it seem like you're home.

5. Be Careful Of What You Circulate On Social Media Websites

Despite the fact you're excited about an approaching trip or a special night out with friends, there’s no need to tell the world when you're going to be gone. Be cautious of what you post on social media platforms, even if it's a closed neighborhood page. Bringing attention to your absence is never a good idea.

Enhance Safety By Installing a Home Security System From Secure24 Alarm Systems

Dissuade criminal activity at your Asheville home and make your local area less desirable to intruders with a comprehensive home security system from Secure24 Alarm Systems. Let us show you how we are able to improve safety with impressive tools like surveillance cameras and automation. Just give us a call at (828) 202-7229 or submit the following form to begin.